About Treatopedia

One-stop destination for all Vaccination needs

Our team of pediatricians & vaccine experts are here to help you understand the importance of each vaccination, address your queries in detail and provide you with the best-in-class vaccination experience. At Treatopedia, we assure that individuals are empowered and are well informed before making the right vaccination choices for their family. Our experts are committed to provide you with trusted & credible information while ensuring high quality vaccination at an optimal cost.

Your Vaccination Steps

Treatopedia: India's Only Vaccination Platform Offering Free Inoculation!

Family Vaccination Programs

Insurance data shows that Influenza and Pneumonia accounts for the highest average claim amount. And both diseases are vaccine-preventable at a fraction of the cost incurred by corporates.

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How Can I Help You?

Treatopedia Vaccination Center

Vaccination Packages

Convenient, Transparent and Affordable Vaccination for your little one

On-demand Vaccine Counselling

Get answers to your Vaccination queries from Expert consultants

Digital Vaccination records

Digitalize important health records to access them anytime, anywhere

Clients Say


About our clients

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

We would like to express our appreciation for your service to us as one of our most reliable service provider. Ever since we signed our contract, you provided us desirable services regarding our employee's health safety measure. We look forward towards continuation of better service and thank you for a favorable initial service providing and hope to look forward for such association.

Surbhi Sehgal Client

We, at Sanofi, have partnered up with Treatopedia Technologies and the experience of working with them has been nothing short of amazing. Not only is Team Treatopedia extremely professional, they're also very dependable and consistent like clockwork. We're glad to do business with them.

Himanshu Singh Client

Team Treatopedia has been surprisingly super efficient and professional. Its hard to find companies that are so proactive and professional in the Corporate Wellness Space. Partnering with them was a no-brainer for us. We highly recommend them.

J S Jyotikant Client

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BCG Vaccination in India

BCG Vaccine – Overview What Is the BCG Vaccine?  Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine is primarily used to protect against Tuberculosis

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MMR Vaccination in India

Measles, Mumps, And Rubella (MMR) Vaccine The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). Immunization Schedule: MMR vaccinations

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